Valumat, the management body for extended manufacturer responsibility for mattresses


Importer or manufacturer of mattresses in Belgium? Do you want to know more about the legislation? Consult the legal requirements applicable in the 3 regions (Flanders, Walloon Region and Brussels-Capital Region) and Europe.

The Flemish Region

Decree on the sustainable management of material cycles and waste of 23 December 2011.

The decision of the Flemish Government of 17 February 2012 establishing the Flemish regulations concerning the sustainable management of material cycles and waste.

Take-back obligation covenant.

The Walloon Region

Décret relatif aux déchets of 9 March 2023.

The decision of the Walloon Government of 23 September 2010 to introduce a take-back obligation for certain waste materials.

Environmental Policy Agreement

The Brussels-Capital Region

Ordinance relating to waste of June 14, 2012

The decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 1 December 2016 on waste management.

Environmental Policy Agreement

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