Valumat, the management body for extended manufacturer responsibility for mattresses

Decision tree reuse mattresses

At the initiative of the regional authorities, and in collaboration with stakeholders, a decision tree has been developed to make a distinction between mattresses that have to be classified as waste and mattresses that can still be reused. The goal is to create an objective framework so that every professional institution clearly knows what conditions must be met for a mattress to be reused. If the mattress is still classified as waste, strict regulations apply, among others, to transport, storage and export.

The regional authorities will carry out the necessary checks. If Valumat is informed of violations, these will also be forwarded to the regional authorities. These will demand that the offenders comply with the regulations and, in a second step, they can issue a penalty notice.

Decision tree reuse mattresses: reuse of waste?

* Is the mattress considered as waste? If so, the waste regulation apply.

Export, import and transit of used mattresses

Do you want to export, import or transport used mattresses to an EU Member State? If this is the case, you must comply with the European Waste Transport Regulation (EVOA, regulation 1013-2006). For used mattresses, this means that export, import and transit are only possible with a pre-approved notification.

For mattresses, you can use the following codes:

  • Euralcode 200199
  • Bazelcode A0000
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