Valumat, the management body for extended manufacturer responsibility for mattresses
Is it true that we are not obliged to state in our catalogue that the Valumat contribution is included?

Is it true that we are not obliged to state in our catalogue that the Valumat contribution is included?

In connection with communication to the consumer (as is also the case for other waste flows subject to a take-back obligation), the following is provided: “In accordance with article, §7 of VLAREMA, the end seller will affix a notice in a clearly visible place in each of its sales outlets upon which it indicates under the heading “TAKE-BACK OBLIGATION” how it complies with the provisions of chapter 3 of VLAREMA and how the buyer can dispose of his discarded mattress. The consumer must also be informïed of this when selling takes place outside a sales area (e.g. online).” It is therefore recommended that the notice “Valumat contribution included” is provided in your catalogues (e.g. with a *).


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