Valumat, the management body for extended manufacturer responsibility for mattresses
When does Valumat invoice the environmental contributions?

When does Valumat invoice the environmental contributions?

Invoicing contributions and payment terms 2024-2025

In April 2024, Valumat sends a settlement of the past year (2023).

The settlement is the difference between the actual contribution for 2023 (see 2023 declaration) and the advances already invoiced and paid for 2023. 

This invoice is payable within 30 days.

Valumat sends the advance invoice for 2024 to the participants at the same time. The total advance financing is calculated as follows: number of mattresses placed on the Belgian market in 2023 multiplied by the rates of 2024.

25% of the amount is due at the end of May, 25% is due at the end of August and 25% is due at the end of November 2024.

This means that each year participants only have to pay 75% of the advance financing due for 2024 in 2024. The balance of 25% will be settled in April 2025 together with the settlement for the year 2024. The 2024 settlement is the difference between the actual contribution for 2024 and the advances already invoiced and paid for 2024. 

This ensures that the pre-financing for the participants is limited and that the totality of the VAT charged can be immediately recovered.

Click here for the timeline of declaration, invoicing and payment.


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